Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Foster Care and Adoption
Grady Family

Foster Care and Adoption

Read and reflect on these questions to find out whether you have what it takes:

  • I like kids and teenagers.
  • It’s okay if my kid doesn’t call me “mom” or “dad” or yells “you’re not my mom,” occasionally. Loudly.
  • I can handle hearing swear words.
  • I tweet or know someone who does.
  • Sometimes I laugh at situations that make others walk away in frustration.
  • I understand the importance of biological family connections in a foster child’s life and with additional training can facilitate those connections.
  • I remember doing dumb things when I was a teenager.
  • I know I will need help if I foster and I am eager to learn.
  • My family is often more like Ozzy Osborne’s than Ozzie and Harriet’s.
  • I know that I will not die if my grandmother’s teacup gets broken.
  • I have friends who are different than I am as far as race, culture, income, politics or other important things.
  • I am resilient and cool headed even in the face of frustration.
  • Thinking of teaching a teen to drive doesn’t make me want to cry.
  • I have done my own therapeutic work and have a therapist I can return to if my own issues are stirred up.
  • I know how to not take things personally even if they hurt my feelings.
  • Part of why I want to foster is because I know children who enter the foster care system need support and I want to be part of the solution.
  • I will support and encourage a youth’s spiritual or religious belief system even if it is different from my own.
  • I know I will need help if I foster and I am eager to learn.
  • If I have a partner, we are on the same page about fostering and parenting a traumatized youth.
  • I want to join a community of people who have fostered and support each other.
  • I have the capacity to see the hurt and trauma in a youth’s eyes and to be an emotionally-attuned support as they heal.
  • I’ve heard of TikTok, and I’ve used Instagram.
  • I know what sexting is, and I have some idea what to do if my kid does it.
  • I know how to fix a hole in sheetrock.
  • I like surprises.
  • I am willing to parent a foster youth according to their needs, even if they are 17 years old and sometimes needs to be parented like they are 12.
  • I’m intrigued with the idea of getting to know a foster youth’s biological family; and I can support their efforts to navigate those complicated relationships.
  • I know what SOGIE means or will go look it up.
  • I know that I will need help if I foster and I am eager to learn (yes, we realize this is listed 3 times…get the point?).
  • I know how to say “no” in the face of extreme pressure. Often, I say “yes.”
  • I like hugs but can live without them sometimes.
  • Music is okay even if I cannot understand a word they are singing.
  • I have a network of friends and family who will support my plans to foster a Boulder County youth.
  • I have been stubborn or pushy.
  • If you answered “yes” to most of the statements above, you just might be a good fit for fostering through Boulder County. Learn more about our process or contact us.

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Smiling girl with braided hair

Children Waiting to be Adopted

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Three60° Family Support

Phone: 303-441-1081
Fax: 303-441-1289
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3400 Broadway
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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3400 N. Broadway
Boulder, CO 80304

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